amazon ads
VR Experience

unBoxed 2023 - The Amazon Sponsored TV VR Experience

Immersive VR Experience

Through the VR experience guests learned about Sponsored TV and the new opportunities for small business advertisers to utilize TV Ads at a smaller price point.


Immersive VR experience
Quest Pro

Platform Android
Device VR Headset

Amazon Ads offers advertising solutions that help companies engage with customers at every stage of their customer journey. With the Sponsored TV offer, a complex and versatile new offer was to be communicated in a light and entertaining way.


We designed an intuitive, enjoyable and entertaining VR experience with sound and voiceover optimized for standalone VR headsets.


Client: Amazon Ads
Agency: Salt Productions
Digital Agency: Solid White

  • amazon ads Galerie 1
  • amazon ads Galerie 2
  • amazon ads Galerie 3
  • amazon ads Galerie 4
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